Welcome to the ASPIRA Academy Nurses' Office
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
School Nurses: Mrs. Holstein (Full-time nurse)
We are so excited to see all of our students in school when we can all be together again! We are partners in your child your child’s health, safety & wellness with the whole school community (parents, family, teachers, team members, and outside resources (like their pediatrician).
Parents can assist by:
- Sending in completed health forms and emergency action plans
- Updating emergency telephone numbers and contacts
- Obtaining immunizations and physicals yearly and giving the school a copy for grades K, 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th.
- Communicating and health concerns you have about your child with our school nurses.
Please contact us with any questions at debbie.holstein@laaa.k12.de.us (Full-time nurse) or 302-292-1463 ext. 208.
It is our goal to help you keep students healthy. We encourage your child to get adequate rest and start the day with a healthy breakfast every day before school. Children learn and concentrate better when they are not hungry and have had a good night’s rest. Our nurses will assess your child’s illness and contact parents/guardians to take their child home if, in the professional opinion of our school nurses, the child is unable to participate in school activities or may put other students and team members at risk for illness.
Please have a plan in place to pick up your child in a timely manner in case he/she needs to be dismissed from school.