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Equity Statement

  /  Equity Statement

Systemic Inequities

Systemic inequities are historical and current policies, practices, and laws that create unfair/unjust differences between groups (by race, gender, etc.) across sectors of life, such as healthcare, education, and housing.

Opportunity Gaps

Opportunity gaps happen when there is an inequitable distribution of resources and educational circumstances between different groups of students.

Culture of Caring

Culture of caring, known around here as “Aspira con cariño” is part of our philosophy that “somos familia” (we are family). We care about the whole child, not just their academic performance. We care about our students, team, and families and aim to address the different needs of our community.


Identities may include race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language, culture, national origin, religious/spiritual/humanist commitments, age, (dis)ability/health status and political perspective and others.